Deployment View

Figure 1. Deployment[1]
Table 1. Deployment
Node / Artifact Description

HSC plugin binary

The compiled version of HSC, including required dependencies.


Where development of HSC takes place

Artifact Repository (Maven Central)

Public Java artifact repository, cf. Maven Central Search.

HSC user computer

Where arbitrary documentation takes place with HTML as output formats.


Gradle build script configuring (among other things) the HSC plugin to check some documentation.

The three nodes (computers) shown in Deployment[1] are connected via Internet.

Sanity checker will be:

  1. Bundled

    1. As a core jar file (including all checkers and reporters),

    2. As a respective Plugin jar file for Maven and Gradle,

    3. As a CLI jar file, providing a main method with parameters and options to run all checks from the command line,

  2. Uploaded to the Maven Central repository (Gradle Plugin also to Gradle Plugin Portal),

  3. Referencable within a Gradle build-file.

1. This diagram is outdated and needs replacement, e.g., with a PlantUML diagram.